Friday, December 10, 2010

My Favorites

            For my last post I would like to share with you some of my most favorite videos- that I haven’t showed you already of course. I think that now and in the future YouTube is going to become more and more of an integral part in our daily lives and time spent on the computer. Like I said before, Gmail, Facebook and YouTube and the three most visited sites and I probably go on each at least five times a day. One of the best feelings is finding a great new video and being able to watch it over and over while laughing every time, or being able to bond with someone new over a YouTube video that you both love. This is something that I experienced the other day. One video that I have not fallen out of love with for the past two years is of an episode of WifeSwap, which features a little boy named King Curtis. Curtis is one of my most favorite people to quote; he is young, sassy, loves chicken nuggets and is “king of the house baby.” I think I laugh at him because he has such attitude. When asking my newfound fellow lover of Curtis why he is so awesome they responded, “probably the way he asserts his authority for being such a small and innocent chubby looking kid…and the fact that he is the boss.” Another reason why I think this video is viral is because people are always looking for something to quote. Like bonding over videos, if you can quote something and have people actually recognize it, an instant connection occurs. Curtis is one of the greatest kids to quote… even at such a young age. Amazing.

            One of my other favorite videos is of the Atlanta Grape Lady. This is a video set at a wine festival and the newswoman is demonstrating for her audience the age-old tradition of stomping grapes for a prize. It is obvious throughout the video that the woman is not very happy with putting her feet in buckets full of grapes and then the epic moment of failure occurs and which is only made worse by her reaction and the reaction of the other anchors. I don’t want to spoil the entire video but it does not get old for me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it but it always makes my day a little better.  The crazy fall, her reaction, the reaction of the other anchors makes this one of my other all time favorites. Videos like this capture one moment in time that would probably be lost forever and only watched by the small local audience and give them eternal fame.

One thing that always crosses my mind is I sometimes feel bad for laughing at these people. If they knew that whenever I was having a bad day I knew that I could go to their specific video and it would make me laugh every time I think they would be even more embarrassed. But that is what makes YouTube so great, the poor grape lady will never know, and having over 1 million views is not too shabby.

Here is one final video that is under the classification of will always make me smile.

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